Film Adaptation of Antigone by Sophocles

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The film adaptation of Sophocles' Antigone portrays the text substantially well in several ways. The filmmaker's interpretation encourages the audience to be discerning as their perception of the Greek tragedy is enhanced. The play becomes profound and reverberant because of the many interesting elements of production. These include musical score, set design, and the strategic costuming - all of which advocates an improved comprehension of Antigone. <Tab/>The musical score proficiently …

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…symbolizes being morally correct, while black expresses what is morally incorrect. Certainly, the apparel worn in the production is a clever indicator of the characters' temperament. <Tab/>The film rendition of Antigone intelligently enhances ones interpretation of the play. This was achieved by employing the elements of music, stage design, and subtle costuming. The viewers, along with readers are able to fully understand the real meaning and appreciate Sophocles' play, Antigone.