Falsified Resumes

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
ISSUE Employee was hired under the perception that he had experience and credentials, which, after a short time, were found to be false. DISCUSSION In this situation an applicant submitted a resume full of false information--from the graduating degree to work experience. Without checking references and accepting 'copies' of his backup documentations, the company hired the applicant. After a short period of employment an investigation was done and found that the applicant was involved in …

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…could be completed. Once the application makes its full circle trough the proper channels then the applicant would be hired. Each separate department is basically auditing the work done by the previous department to make sure the proper procedures are done. The company should consider revamping the hiring process it has taken in the past. Works Cited Cutler, Gale. "Pete hires a faker." Research Technology Management. <Tab/>Mar/Apr 2003. Vol.46, Iss. 2.