Fake Press Release Intro to PR.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
James Rockafether died last week at the age of 118, though he suffered from ALZHEIMER's disease, he lived a long prosperous life. Rockafether owned a 4,000 acre lot adjacent to our 8,000 acre tree farm. Rockafether never had logging on this land when he was alive, but he also never specified in his will what could or would be done with the land, after his death. The result is the Department of the Interior, has ended up with …

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…quality wood manufacturers, and craftsman, who are always seeking the best quality aged wood they can come by. The demand will be high and we will generate triple the profits as compared to our 8,000 acre tree farm. This would be welcomed by our community, because we promise to donate one third of the generated revenue back to the community. Which as described under the political effects, will generate revenue to help to better our community.