Failure of international aid.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
JF Sociology Essay- Hilary Term. Richard Northridge 02908786 Why have International Aid programmes failed to bring about greater equality between the countries of the North and those of the South? Introduction Sociologists, Economists and Politicians have always placed countires or regions within a model or framework to allow analysis of the factors which shape their society, economic climate or political environment. The conclusion of the Second World War left the western world in two clearly defined …

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…this national principal can be easily applied to an international context. Only then can a country's government say with any conviction that they are actually fighting the war against global inequality. Bibliography Global Policy Studies S.S Nagel Macmillan 1991 The Challenge of Social Change Borda Sage 1985 Economic Aid to Underdeveloped Countries Benhath Oxford 1961 Aid for Development Arnold Bodley Head Ltd 1966