Explaining Mendel's theories within an example (haircolor).

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
George Johonn Mendel, was a great scientist who lived from 1822 to 1884. At an early age he began experimenting with plants by growing different varieties of garden peas. He developed a theory of heredity, which is the foundation of human genetic transmission even today. Using Mendel's theory I can explain my own hair color and how I came to inherit it. I have black hair. How I got it has everything to do with my genes. …

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…true and only possible because of the genotypes of people that we cannot see. Another law states that heredity contains a degree of uncertainty, but some things about it are predictable. The punnet square helps to determine what is likely to the outcome of specific genotypes combined together. (i.e. mom and dads) This diagram produces all the possible results of a union and makes it easy to give the probability of a certain characteristic.