Explain the irrationality of rationality of the four properties of McDonaldization and apply them after you go to mcdonalds

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Essay Database > Entertainment
"McDonaldization,...is the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world". These are the words of George Ritzer comparing the processes incorporated by the McDonald franchise and the impact of social structural change on human interaction and identity. He illustrates the linkage between the irrationality of rationality with the four properties of social organization …

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…tell her, I am sure that if it said I owed $.10 for my meal then that is all that she would have charged me. Also she used the pop machine that tells her how much pop goes in to the pre-measured cup, she didn't even have to be near it to fill the cup. All of these things rationally save the business money because there is no wasted time or food. But where's the love?