Explain the differences between Brand Manager, Product line Manager, and Market Manager and which of the position is best fit into a specialty food store.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
A brand manager is responsible for a single brand within a company, who is given the authority to operate independently in coordinating marketing activities for one brand. The goal for a brand manager is to focus on implementing marketing plan for a brand. The advantage of this system is that each brand manager has more freedom when coordinating the brand's marketing plans and activities based on their own objectives. They think in terms of their …

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…food has different usage for different occasion. For example, it might be a good idea to suggest several receipts of how consumers can use the product differently and on how can the product be applied on specific food on the package of the product. Given the market of specialty food industry, the product development team should also focus on how the new product can benefit the consumers rather than emphasize on the uniqueness in taste.