Explain How Two Performers Used Their Skills To Engage the Audience in 'Shockheaded Peter'.

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"Shockheaded Peter" at the Piccadilly Theatre. 26th March '01. Looking at Martyn Jaques and Ewan Hunter. "Shockheaded Peter" is an adaptation of the German folk tales "Struwwlpeter", a collection of short rhymes and poems created during Hitler's regime to scare the child readers into behaving better. The recent adaptation is one that mixes comedy and surrealism with shock and horror. Martyn Jacques, a member of the musical group 'The Tiger Lilies', was a remarkable character …

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…easy for the audience to empathise with. Hunter became one of the audience. He would observe the acting out of the stories as we did and thus a 'friendship' arose. This was shattered every time he became involved in the proceedings as a character. This 'friendship' was consequently built up again and then re-shattered. Overall, the two performances had very close and obviously deliberate similarities, but at the same time, were encapsulating in different ways.