Experimental animal testing.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Animal testing is not a new thing. For many centuries scientists and testers in research have used animals of all kinds. Most of the animals are small ones like rodents: rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, monkeys, and rabbits have also been used. The animal rights issue is an emotional one. For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers claim that they depend …

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…what the product may do to humans. However, blindness, skin irritations and cancer are all very severe and we should try to find more accurate alternative without having to torture these animals so much. So until scientists learn a little more about humans and technology increases more, we probably couldn't do without animal research and testing completely but we need to try to keep it at a minimum and as necessary and proper as possible.