Experiencing skydiving and the lessons it can teach.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Every time I look up at the sky, I smile. I can imagine myself freefalling 10,000 feet above the ground, losing control of my body and giving in to nature's mercy. In the sky there is no stress, no deadlines, and nobody I must answer to. All that exists is the vast, blue space. Many people fear skydiving, finding it hard to jump out of a plane willingly. I cannot help but love the way the …

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…last. The more people tell me I cannot do something the harder I try to succeed. I understand that some days may seem like a rainstorm and I may get a bit discouraged, but I have learned to use these days to prepare my gear for tomorrow's jump. My first experience skydiving taught me many lessons on life especially to take life one day at a time and to enjoy all it has to offer.