Expedition guidelines, Mount everest expedition plan, including information on environment, climate, equipment, physiological demands, medical considerations, preparation and training.

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Introduction. Standing at 8848m above sea level, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Humans have tried to conquer Everest since the early 1900's however it was not until the 29th May 1953 that Sir Edmond Hillary, John Hunt and Tenzing Norgay officially reached the summit. George Mallroy was said to have climbed Mount Everest in 1924 however there is still controversy whether or not he succeeded. The first woman ever to climb Everest was …

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…Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia(1999), CD-ROM, Microsoft Corporation. Pandolf and Young (1992), Environmental extremes and endurance performance, cited by, Shepard and Astrand (1992) Endurance in sport, Chapter 27; pg270-282, Blackwell Scientific Publications. Quinn (no date shown), High Altitude Sickness, WWW.mountaineering.ie.features/general/highaltitude.htm. accessed 10/05/2001 Shephard (1989), Problems at high altitude, Cited by, Shepard and Astrand (1992) Endurance in sport, Chapter 43; pg471-478, Blackwell Scientific Publications. Rutishauser (1994), Physiology and Anatomy: A basis for Nursing and Health Care, Churchill Livingstone