Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
"Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)" I. Overview <Tab/>A. What is an Exchange Traded Fund? <Tab/><Tab/>Before any comprehensive analyses can be given on ETFs, the most pertinent first question <Tab/>would be, what is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)? An ETF is any type of investment vehicle which <Tab/>combines the benefits that a …

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…lt;Tab/>Global growth in ETF assets were 46.1% with 336 ETFs and US$310 billion in assets *<Tab/>ETFs are likely to have a significant impact on the closed-end and active fund markets during 2005 and 2006 *<Tab/>Out of all active inquirers - 69% will buy *<Tab/>Over 75% would buy again *<Tab/>Newly-Active ETFs by 2006 expected see first year revenue $58 billion