Examine Functionalist and Marxist explanations of the family.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Functionalists and Marxist diverse had views on the family. Functionalist theory asserts that there will be a specific pattern of family organisation corresponding to different types of society. Hence there is a particular family form that best suits the conditions of industrial society. The family described by modern functionalists is very much a description of the sort of families they might have been brought up within and formed them. This is the idealised family of …

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…of the capitalists economy as women reproduce and service the next labour force for free and they also service the existing labour force without any extra cost to the bourgeoisie. Also they believe they are exploited as when women themselves go out to work they do it for lower wages than males. In conclusion both Marxist and Functionalists have there own views. Both views have been criticised but do have there relevance to the family.