Evolution of Gilgamesh

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The Evolution of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story told for thousands of years. The people of Uruk narrate the tale of the main character, Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh has the body of a god and strength no one could ever compete with. He is two-third god,one-third man, and the king of Uruk. He is very immature. It makes one wonder how he was ever appointed the king of this city. Gilgamesh is also …

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…learned how to help his people and allow them to help him as well. In the end, the once feared king is a sympathetic character. Throughout the epic, even as Gilgamesh changes he still believes he is undefeatable. He shows this in the beginning with his immoral acts, the killing of Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven. By humanizing Gilgamesh, it makes his character likeable and easier to imagine as the hero of this story.