Evaluating the extent of each medium covered in class to educate the reader in a specific issue.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Do you read new papers? Listen to radio? Watch TV? All of us do one thing or the other. However, the majority of us never consider the fact that what we hear or see might be a lie or it might be just a fact that is twisted in such a way that it shows something absolutely different. For example, if we take a look at a particular issue on, let's say, Israel, we will …

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…not saying that all we hear is a lie. There are independent sources out there, like New International magazine, or 88.4 FM radio station who tell us things that other sources would not. I am stating that we should simply weight our sources and we should always go to other places and other radio stations and listen to what they have to say. And the more we listen or read, the more media literate we become.