Euthenasia: con. viewpoint.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
In our life, we sometime find where we are at the top and surrounded by pleasure and satisfaction. However, we sometime will find where we are in the depths of misery and suffering. That is the consequence of life, and we cannot run from it. We have to face it, not giving up and let the life crush us. Furthermore, suffering has arranged by god to test us, whether we complain or be patient. If …

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…euthanasia for themselves. But, is it true that their rights are infinity? Isn't it true that they have regulations to form a boundary for the rights they have? And one of the powerful regulation is God's rules. God's rules are something we need to arrange our life excellently. From the image above, we should get a brief image of what euthanasia is and how it is used by people, also some brief opinions concerning euthanasia.