Euthanasia: The cases for and against.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Euthanasia. Microsoft Encarta describes Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, as the practice of ending a life so as to release an individual from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. There are three different types of Euthanasia; Voluntary, Passive (or negative) and Active (or positive) Voluntary euthanasia involves a request by the dying patient or that person's legal representative. Passive or negative euthanasia involves not doing something to prevent death--that is, allowing someone to die; …

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…Terminally Ill Act, which serves as model legislation for state laws. Today, patients are entitled to opt for passive euthanasia; that is, to make free and informed choices to refuse life support. The controversy over active euthanasia, however, is likely to remain intense because of opposition from religious groups and many members of the medical profession. From the past few paragraphs an insight has been provided on Euthanasia, and the sides for and against it.