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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
Euthanasia is a highly debated topic in the world of ethics due to the nature of the procedure, and alongside the ethical debate comes a legal debate as well. Euthanasia can be literally translated to mean "good death". Euthanasia is ideally utilized in order to expedite the death process for terminally ill patients in order to allow them to pass over any suffering that they may endure. It has been termed "assisted suicide" by many, …

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…will do when I reach a certain age in life, regardless of whether my family wants me to or not. The bottom line is that when a person has a terminal disease and knows they are going to die, they either have come to their own terms or they have not. A person who is not ready to die will obviously not request euthanasia, and those who are ready should be able to do so.