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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
EUTHANASIA Euthanasia means gentle or easy death for those who are incurably ill and in pain. So should a person have the right to take another person's life or his own when he/she is incurably ill and in pain. That is what whole of Australia is trying to decide. The N.T all ready has passed a law that legalise euthanasia in that state. Now other government leaders and members are in support of …

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…Human's are never vegetables and should never be considered as vegetables. If they are in pain there are always drugs that can relieve that pain. So euthanasia should not be legalised throughout the rest of Australia. They have already made one mistake letting the N.T .Remember we were not the one to decided the time or manner in which we came into the world, why should we decided the time to leave this world.