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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Eumenides" was, overall, one of the most interesting and intriguing stories I have read in a literature class. Most stories are hard to grasp and don't make much sense in modern-day times. "The Euminides," however, caught my attention and never let go. It tells the story of Orestes, who killed his mother in order to avenge the death of his father. Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus, kill Agamemnon--then Apollo urges Orestes to kill her …

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…with the foundation of legal systems. In "Trojan Women," Helen is put on trial for being the cause of the Trojan War and all of it's destruction. Also, in "The Eumenides," Orestes is placed on trial for the murder of his mother. The case there is like most of what we see in today's courts. There is a prosecutor, and a defense, a jury, and a judge who, ultimately, has the final say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**