Ethics in the Workplace

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
An Ethics Toolkit for Managers Ethics in business is a concept that has come to mean various things to various people, but it is generally based on the principle of doing what is right in the workplace. Business ethics is about prioritizing moral values for the workplace and ensuring behaviors are aligned with those values. Many view business ethics as value management. Leaders and managers can use ethics as a tool to ensure morality at …

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…all new employees at the beginning of service. Each employee is told what is expected and accepted and is clearly given examples of what is not. This, in my opinion, has minimized unethical behavior and increased morale. My suggestion to the Office of Financial Institutions is basically "keep up the good work". References Driscoll, D.M., Hoffman, W.M., (2000). Ethics Matters: An Ethics Toolkit in how to Implement a Value Driven Management. Retrieved, January 12, 2003, from