Ethics In Leadership

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Mgmt 254 B Ethics in Leadership We are seeing more ethical issues in the headlines every day. "It is more common in business management than in other areas of human endeavor. The facile answer would seem to be true, given the display of greedy and deceitful corporate parading before us in the news these days. But the facile answer is probably wrong." (Kiplinger,2002) Due to the fact our professional practices involve more ethical issues today, and …

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…another, very practical reason why ethics are essential to strong leadership. That is because ethical behavior is a key to establishing the trust and loyalty that are at the base of all effective relationships. Without trust, the contract between you and your followers collapses and your ability to lead, to inspire, to make a difference, is diminished. But a long-term investment in high ethics build and reinforces the foundation on which an organization is built.