Ethernet and Bluetooth.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Introduction In 1973, at Xerox Corporation's Palo Alto Research Centre (more commonly known as PARC), researcher Bob Metcalfe designed and tested the first Ethernet network . While working on a way to link Xerox's "Alto" computer to a printer, Metcalfe developed the physical method of cabling that connected devices on the Ethernet as well as the standards that governed communication on the cable. The original Ethernet described communication over a single cable shared by all devices on …

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…time it takes to detect a collision. Therefore users must keep these parameters in mind. Bluetooth works so well for many reason. One of these is its ease of use to connect, all that is required is Bluetooth enabling device, such as IOGEARs Bluetooth to USB Adapter. Bluetooth technology works because it has been developed as a cross industry solution it marries a vision of engineering innovation with an understanding of business and consumer expectations.