Essay to describe a character: A Less-than-perfect Day

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A lone figure sat on the bench in the cafeteria, leafing through her notebook. Naomi was trying to do her homework for the day, before she had to attend her after-school activity. Looking at her notebook, Naomi realized she had a lot of homework that day. She had to write her English composition, study for the fractions test three days later, do research on magnets to write an essay due the day after tomorrow and …

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…reached home with her sister that day, she was dead exhausted and frustrated. She flopped down on her couch and slept, which she realized later totally disrupted her sleep cycle. When she woke up she was still in a rotten mood. It was dinner time, her stomach was growling, she had not finished her homework yet. All the events that day caused Naomi's distress, and she felt it was the worst day in her life.