Essay questioning the NCAA and its policies such as title IX and the BCS system.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
As a collegiate athlete, the NCAA has a direct effect on my life. It tells me, with respect to athletics, what I can and cannot do. If I were a division one athlete, the limitations would be far greater. I could not, for example, work certain jobs, or accept money for being good at what I do. When something has this much say over a part of my life, I take notice at what they …

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…right now, there are definite changes that need to be made.The focus of the NCAA has turned to profit, and strayed from keeping college athletics pure. This lack of focus has also caused the NCAA to fail to evolve with colleges and with times. It is necessary for the NCAA to evaluate all of its current standards and protocols and listen to input as to what is good and what needs to be changed.