Essay on tort law history, in particular looking at the British and Australian tort law development through the 19th century.

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Prior to the industrialization of America and England in the early 19th century tort law had a limited scope primarily due to a lack of diversity and lack of quantity in tort cases. However with large factories and railroads grew a complex relationship between employee, employer and consumer. Due to this it was necessary for the legal system to re examine lines of reasoning. Despite academics such as Friedman suggesting that the law became a …

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…in Torts 103/203 legal history course notes volume 1 Macqaurie university. 1998 pg100-107 Horwitz, M. 1977 " The Transformation of American Law 1780-1860 " in Torts 103/203 legal history course notes volume 1 Macqaurie university. 1998 pg93-100 Schwartz, G. 1981 " Tort law and the economy in nineteenth century America, a reinterpretation. " In Torts 103/203 legal history course notes volume 1 Macqaurie university. 1998 pg112-116 White, G.E. 1980 " Tort law in America, an intellectual history " in Torts 103/203 legal history course notes volume 2 Macqaurie university. 1998 pg 100-107