Essay on the setting of Ray Bradburry's short stories

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In Ray Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains", "The Veldt" and "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl" the reader is introduced to three distinct settings. In these three short stories, Bradbury paints a vivid picture of the future through the setting and also establishes and utterly normal atmosphere. In some stories the setting serves as a mere backdrop for the action, a place were the characters speak and move. In others, the setting …

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…mistakes; instead they try to hide them. "In the fruit at the bottom of the bowl" a man just killed another man and now he's cleaning. <Tab/>The setting and the theme are just two methods authors use to tell great stories and to convey their message. Ray Bradbury uses both of these exceptionally. He illustrates fantastic environments and situations and at the same time expresses his thoughts about the world.