Essay on the United States Department of Educatiom

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The United States Department of Education In providing funds to education in the U.S., the federal government plays a vital role in the education system. Overall, the federal government provides nine percent of education expenditures in this country. More specifically, the Department of Education (ED) contributes about six percent of the total amount spent on education per year. This figure comes out to about $42 billion a year, which is just a small piece (1.9%) of …

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…secondary students, college students, even adult students. For example, more students can go to college today than ever before because there is so much more financial aid being offered. Although education is primarily a state and local responsibility, the federal government is able to provide ED as a cushion to help out when there is a need, to ensure that education continues to be successful in the U.S. and that reform continues every day.