Essay on How Revend Hale from The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a dynamic character by describing certain character traits.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In a work of literature one particular type of character found is a dynamic character. Dynamic characters are those who change dramatically through out the course of the novel. In the play The Crucible Reverend John Hale is an example of a dynamic character because throughout the course of the play his beliefs and views differ then those at the end of the play. Reverend John Hale travels from Beverly to the Village of Salem …

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…witches. However Reverend Hale changes in the sense that he no longer believes what the court is doing is right. He therefore tries to get people to claim they are guilty so they will not be hanged on the count of witchcraft. The most important character that Hale doesn't succeed in saving is Proctor, who in a sense doesn't want to live so he isn't stamped as a wizard for the rest of his life.