Ernest Hemingway.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was a man that was well known. He started his life like any other regular person but then made a decision to take the road less traveled. He became a writer with very unique skills. His writings made people challenge themselves and think very hardly about what they just read. His writings could have been interpreted in many different ways. Ernest Hemingway was a very unique and skilled writer. Ernest Miller …

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…taking the hearts of so many individuals as well as winning some major awards for his works of literature. Works Cited Baker, Carlos. "Ernest Hemingway: A Life's Story." New York 1999 (3 Apr. 1999) Earl Theisen Archives. "A Writer In His Time." Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C. 2000. Global Matrix Consultants. "The Ernest Hemingway Foundation Oak Park." Scribners & Sons, New York. 1999. (17 Feb. 1999)