Enzymes - Lactose-Free milk

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Pages: 24
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Plan Aim: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate what size of bead would produce a higher concentration of glucose, after the milk has been poured into the column containing the immobilised lactase enzymes. The experiment would also be done using two different types of milk (Semi-skimmed and Whole milk) in order to see the difference in the amount of lactose present in each. Hypothesis The smaller the size of the beads in the …

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…o make the whole experiment faster to accomplish. However the best thing to do is clearly to repeat the experiment at least three times. This, in my view, would be the most important type of further work, which I did not have the time to do. Then I can work out the average of my findings and from there I will have clear idea of how accurate the results should have been.