Emma Jane Austen - Explore Emma's lack of awareness of relationships and how it is at odds with the reader's perception.

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Emma Explore Emma's lack of awareness of relationships and how it is at odds with the reader's perception. In Jane Austen's Emma the eponymous heroine is "handsome, clever, and rich" but she also suffers from arrogance and self deception. With the good judgment of Mr. Knightley, and her own self scrutiny, Emma experiences a movement of psyche, from arrogance and vanity through the humiliation of self knowledge to clarity of judgment and fulfillment in marriage. …

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…o must be taken seriously because her mistakes have potentially harmful outcomes. She cannot be taken as a character who can be dismissed, her opinions and actions disregarded. But despite being 'put off' by some of her less becoming attributes, these are the characteristics which make Emma so unique as a heroine and by the end of the novel the readers too, rejoice in the "perfect happiness of the union" between Emma and Mr. Knightley.