Eminem: Rap's Bad Boy? Who is a modern day role model for the youth of the 21st century?

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Not all people are role models. Some people can bring a bad first impression from someone, and yet, still be looked up to. "I'm not alone in feeling the way I feel," Eminem says. "I believe that a lot of people can relate to my [music]--whether white, black, it doesn't matter. Everybody has been through some [hard times], whether it's drastic or not so drastic. Everybody gets to the point of 'I don't [care …

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…can." For those who can get past the bad boy/hardcore rapper appearance Eminem shows, they will see a spokesman for the young adults of the world. For those who take the time to listen to his music and really think about it they see a different person. It is a shame that most view Marshall Mathers as a bad man, when in fact, with his words, he is helping more people then doing harm.