Emerson's Nature - "Nature is a vehicle of thought"

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Essay Database > Literature
Emerson: Nature (Topic 2) 5/11/02 Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote, " nature is the vehicle of thought," means that there is a link between language and thought as spirit is to nature. To break down this phrase, one can say that nature is the medium of expression of thought. From nature, we create symbols (or words). We think and then apply our thoughts to nature through the median, which is language. From this we learn much about ourselves. Back …

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…nature to spirit. Language is like thought, and spirit can be considered part of nature. One of the things I have learned from this piece of writing is that there are multiple answers to certain questions. The reason for this is because there are different perspectives. The main point of all of this is that Man has been given a gift of reason, and this reason can link nature to spirit and language to both.