Elvis Presley.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Elvis Presley was the first real rock and roll star. A white southerner who singing blues laced with country. Presley brought together music from both sides of the color line. Presley performed this music with a "natural hip swiveling sexuality" that made him a teen idol and a role model for generations of "cool" rebels. Presley was repeatedly dismissed as vulgar, incompetent and a bad influence. However, the force of his music and image transferred …

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…a multi-millionaire which today would have been a lot more considering his dad's earlier position when he changed a check from $3 to $8 and getting 3 years where that extra $5 was said to be borrowed to built a house which his boss said to get him a reduced sentence. Elvis inspired all of music today. If there was no Elvis Presley, there would be none of the music we have today. Elvis revolutionized music in its entirety.