Edwards v Aguiallard

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INTRODUCTION Edwards v Aguillard was a 1987 Supreme Court case centering around the constitutionality of a Louisiana statue requiring that creation science be taught along side of evolution in the public schools. WHY CASE SO IMPORTANT Evolution remains so controversial primarily because it is part of a larger debate over nature and the meaning of life. The study of how life began almost inevitably raises questions of why: Why did life begin? Why are humans rational? …

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…supernatural creator as in genesis narrative. Instead of facts, used legisl history to porve this Sen Keith stiry Pg 160 ICR Pg 166 kids like apes quote. Ellwanger model bill in pg 171 SUPREME COURT'S DECISION Armed with these bries, court ruled: Interesting line of argu in oral about religious motive of prinicpl, rome pg 680 ENDING: Implications: Court did not hold that teaching creationism was unconstitutional Bibliography ENDING: Implications: Court did not hold that teaching creationism was uncons