Economic compensation to blacks in America.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Proposal for Reparations... Due to the fact that many African-Americans cannot trace their genealogy back more than three generations, It would be extremely difficult to distinguish between those who are descended from Freemen and those descended from Slaves. Therefore, although it should have some impact on reparations, we must take into account those who cannot trace their genealogy( approximately 3/4th of African-Americans). We also must remember that in essence, no African- Americans were completely free. …

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…claims shall be directed to the State supreme court. The court will have three years to render decisions on all claims. In order to ensure the financial stability of the United States, these payments shall be made over a period of 15 yrs. However, in the case of persons who have been awarded moneys and are over the age of 55, they will have the option of taking a discounted lump sum of 40% of the moneys owed.