Economic benefits of sweatshop labour.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Sweatshops are typically associated with inhumane treatment of the working poor, and people without choice of work and labour conditions. The general consensus of the global community is that sweatshops are unprincipled and unacceptable. An economic analysis of the economics of sweatshops identifies their benefit to the economies of developing nations. Globalization has caused an increase in sweatshop labour, which benefits the economies of developing nations and the standard of living of the sweatshop labourers …

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…nations there is little doubt as to their economic benefits. While many will argue that sweatshops labour is cruel, and unjust it is impossible to ignore that globalization benefits the economies of developing nations and the standard of living of the sweatshop labourers. By improving the life of a sweatshop worker and providing a developing country with the foundation for economic prosperity countries are able to take advantage of foreign investment and attain economic success.