Early American Entrepeneurs.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
During the 1870's and 80's big business arrived in the United States. The growth of railroads had laid the basis for further expansion but the actual overall success of big business came during difficult economic times. Large efficient corporations began to prosper. Business leaders struggled to be competitive and even develop monopolies in certain industries. John D. Rockefeller was one of the most famous business leaders of his time. Rockefeller had been in the oil …

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…telephone and expanded his company into the American telephone and telegraph company. Thomas Edison topped this invention with his discovery of electricity. Electricity had an immediate impact on the way Americans lived from then out. Throughout American history industrialists such as Carnegie and Rockefeller set the ground for huge businesses. The term robber baron which is a reference to businessmen who dominated their relevant industries and amassed huge personal fortunes would accurately describe these men.