EGYPT--Description of Egyption culture, mummification, government and religion of ancient egypt--also a comparison with modern Egypt

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
EGYPTIAN MUMMIES Ancient Egyptians had strong beliefs about their dead, and they were obsessed with the afterlife and the requirement to preserve their dead. The Egyptians developed mummification for preserving their dead. At least nine steps were involved in the making of a mummy. It usually took about seventy days before mummification was completed. The first step was to remove the internal organs. These organs are usually the first to decay. Embalmers used a rod …

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…T. The Hidden Tombs of Memphis. New York. Thames and Hudson. 1991. Pace, Mildred Mason. Wrapped for Eternity. New York. Peter Bedrick Books. 1974 Pierre Leca, Ange. The Way of Death. New York. Double Day and Company. 1981 Ramses the Great: Pharaoh of all Time. History Makers. 1996. 45 min. Http:// "Valley of Kings" National Geographic September 1998 Wilcox, Charlotte. Mummies. Carolrhoda New York. 1993