ECT(shock therapy) in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

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Electroconvulsive therapy, also known as ECT, is a type of psychiatric shock therapy. ECT involves the induction of a seizure in a patient by passing electricity through the brain. In the 1930s, Ugo Cerletti, the Italian psychiatrist, came up with the idea for treating human beings with Electroconvulsive therapy. He was observing the barbaric act of slaughterhouse hogs being electrocuted into unconsciousness so that it was easier for workers to slit their throats. He then …

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…of ECT inflicts a great deal of pain during the operation. Because anesthesia is not administered over the course of the operation, the intensity level cannot be properly regulated resulting in a higher chance of damage to the brain. In conclusion, ECT has been shown to be "bad" through depictions of popular novels and films. However, it has been proven by recent studies to be highly effective against severe depressions. Therefore, the treatment remains controversial.