E-Commerce. The advancements in E-commerce. Is it really working? The affects. Has it been working in the past?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
As our economy evolves, new means of conducting and creating business are being explored. The newest discovery, e-commerce, has given the world the ability to conduct business over the internet. E-Commerce, or Electronic Commerce, is a general term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information across the Internet. This covers a range of different types of businesses, from consumer-based retail sites like Amazon.com which is an online …

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…business. Although severe problems such as inadequate planning, outrageous costs and lack of commitment from venture capitalists' plague e-commerce as of now, a bright future for the sector is apparent if changes are made. As society as whole becomes more technologically inclined, the demand for e-commerce will be tremendous. If steps to blend old economy rules with state of the art technology are followed, the outlook of e-commerce is filled with endless possibilities of prosperity.