Durable Goods, Postponability, and Economic Recovery

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Subject: Durable Goods Topic: National Income Accounts Key Words: Durable Goods, Postponability, and Economic Recovery News Story: Orders for durable goods, which include items that range from washing machines to civilian aircraft, fell 7.4 percent in August. This decline followed a July gain of 9.3 percent. A large part of the August decrease came in the category of civilian aircraft, which fell by 42.8 percent. If civilian aircraft were taken out of the calculation, a fall of 0.5 percent …

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…market will decline. Stocks could go up or down depending on the business cycle. Source: U.S. Census Bureau 3. Make a list of at least 5 items that you use in your everyday life that you consider to be a postponable purchase. 1.<Tab/>Car 2.<Tab/>Living room furniture 3.<Tab/>Television 4.<Tab/>Personal computer 5.<Tab/>Home Carpets