Drugs and their consequence.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Nowadays drugs are one of the leading causes of death among humanism, especially teenagers. Drug is any substance other than food, intended for use in diagnosis in human or other animals. According to this definition, drugs can be used as long as purposes mentioned in the above definition are fulfilled. Unfortunately, today drugs are abused. Some people often take these drugs as well as to 'relief' pain, anxiety, frustration, boredom, anger, giddiness, and so forth. …

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…if he is found using drugs in the workplace. Drug abuse is considered as one of the biggest problem in the world. Although campaigns and teaching sessions are carried out by all kind of people. These people should find out the root for drug addiction, which is lack of happiness. Therefore, every community should be turned toward hobbies, sports work, and helping others, which are some ways to maintain positive behaviour patterns in the life.