Drive By - a short story about a meeting that changes two lives.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Drive By John was an outsider at his new highschool, his family having moved from an urban setting to the rural town of Menifee. He was a junior in highschool, a loner who had a hard time making friends. He was intelligent, quiet and extremely shy. His new school was constituted of mainly Hispanic students who made up half of the student body. The rest of the students were Black and White with roughly the …

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…dangerously fast, the road before him abruptly ends, he is now hurtling through the air, seeing a cluster of blunt boulders quickly filling up the windshield. He screams "No, this is not real!" He bolts upright in his bed, sweating freely, that reoccurring nightmare that has visited him numerous times over his life. He is wide awake now, wishing that he had stopped to pick up Sadie. It is going to be a long night.