Drinking Water Dilemma

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
A total of 230 million gallons of water is consumed each day in the United States. Before this water can be drunk, it endures many unfavorable influences. The liquid that spews from our kitchen tap has been treated at a sewage treatment plant, but these plants are not designed to remove the inorganic toxins that plague this country's water system. In sddition to the deficiencies of treatment facilities, our water supply is most severly threatened by …

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…obstructing the path to a clean, safe drinkinf water. American consumers have turned to a safer choice. Americans are drinking more bottled water than ever before. If our government does not make a firm decision to consistently hold water polluters liable, bottled water will be our only source of pure water. Unless a comprehensive set of regulations and enforcement plans is put into place at state and national levels, we simply don't have a choice.