Dreams: The Truth Behind Their Meaning (Persuasive with good research and insights on dreams)

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
When the subject of dreams and their significance is brought up, the door to debate and controversy has also been opened. All accumulated research that has been done has failed to provide one solid answer to the question, "What do dreams mean?" Studies by Dr. Paretz Lavie show that people spend about one-third of their lives sleeping (Lavie 1). Consequently, one can not help but question the meaning that is held in such a large portion …

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…would be illogical. From dreams about war, to dreams about breeding cattle, all of the subconscious thoughts have a hidden message. People who look into their dreams for a message can learn an infinite amount about themselves. Consequently, many organizations have thrived from the need for explanations. Though skeptics will always exist, research will pursue the theory of dreams, and it will continue until the day is reached that they are proven to be fact.