Dr. Atkins diet. A short essay on the Atkins diet compared to the Hollywood diet. Plus Dr. Atkins four phase strategy and four nutritional principles to lose weight.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
As I read through the Dr. Atkins diet, I am beginning to see many excellent things. They have many ways for you to stay on track and be able to do a step-by-step weight loss. This weight loss program is unlike many other weight loss programs. Just reading over this, you are able to see that they are really trying to help you lose weight and be healthier. They have different steps and principals to …

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…I think that the Dr. Atkins diet is the most efficient over all of the diets that there are out there. The reason I think that this one is most efficient is because you are able to gradually lose the weight you want and it is a healthy program. The Dr. Atkins diet tells you to eat less fat, but to eat more carbohydrates. I think that is a well -organized way of losing weight.