Don Bartletts

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Don Bartlett was a man who suffered a great deal in his life. Through his experiences he came through and the hardships that he had to face through life, only to become a better person. In psychology we can relate a lot of the trials and obstacles of Don's life to basic emotional and motivational ideas. Don Bartlett's childhood was not easy. His life, in my opinion was not even close to the definition of …

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…he was also named valedictorian of his high school classes. Social motivation also played a key role in Dons' development. Even through the hard times as a child, it was his classmates, society, and his family that motivated him, not directly though. The want to fit in and succeed in society motivated Don to try harder to reach his goals, and his work paid off. His hardships made him the intelligent man he is today.