Does the Third World exist?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
What do we mean by the term 'Third World'? It can be considered to be a name for a certain type of coherency and homogeneity among a group of people in the world. So, to rephrase the question, does there exist between the general regions that Third World is to encompass, namely Africa, Latin America and Asia, a unity and sameness? Also, what distinguishes them from the rest of the world? This leads on to …

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…end, is where most of the world's events could be seen to take place. The question of whether the Third World exists, therefore could be answered 'not really' in the objective sense, and 'sometimes' in the subjective sense (people's perceptions.) This is of course relating to the issue of the superficial structures that we see in the world. One must not forget that, referring back to Toye's quote, we are a one world in reality.